Friday 10 February 2017

Soundtracks for the film

In our horror.thriller film sound effects and music is very important as it can create a intense and creepy atmosphere, all horror films use creepy sound effects to build up tension for the scares and horrors in the film, films can use very scary intensive music for jump scares or chase scenes, to have the perfect horror movie will need to have the best creepy sound effects to make the audience have suspense but also having no sound can still make a film scary just less exciting to watch.

In this video clip it has very good sound effects that can be used in our film, the song starts slow and then builds up the suspense this can be used in our film for a jump scare or a chase scene, the song starts to builds up to scare the audience, this song can be very effective in our film as we have a chase scene and i think this song will be very good for that role.

In this video clip we can hear a lot of great sound effects with a lot of horror screams and chase sound effects, everyone in the group liked the sound effects and think it can be used in the film, and the use of a calm voice can make a horror film feel creepy and mysterious as the audience can be thinking why is the voice calm and not scary but it starts to build up. we also used one part of the song to finish the scene off, that song was really effective as at the end it made such a creepy atmosphere after watching our opening.

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