Monday 10 October 2016

avengers age of ultron Analysis

avengers age of ultron analysis

In the avengers age of ultron the main genres are Action, super hero and science fiction, we know this is a super hero movie because a few seconds into the video we see a flying man in a robot suit which isnt a thing yet and this tells us its a science fiction film, another scene that has science fiction is at 0:16 where we can see Thor dropping from a high place which is impossible to survive if your a normal human, This also tells us its an action film because they are fist fighting and fighting with objects against the criminals. we also can find out its a super hero film at 0:43 because we can see alot of things thats science fiction sometimes science fiction can be related to super hero in this case it is related as we see the Hulk fighting in this scene which is science fiction seeing him being a real life person.

The camera shots used medium to short shots this gives the intensive effect to us and also makes us feel like we are part of the film, we also see a low shot at  0:13 which tells us the character Thor is a very important and very powerful character in the film, further into the video at 0:31 we see a camera shot of all the characters/super heros which tells us they are working together and are fighting the criminals, the effect this shot gives is it makes the characters look powerful.

Mise-en-scene is used at 0:14 where we can hear non-diegetic music in the background, this music also makes the film feel intense and exciting to watch the film, also at 0:37 we hear an explosion which can also suggest its an action film and also makes us feel exciting because we never see explosions 

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