Tuesday 14 March 2017

Evaluation Activity 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Character comparison between Leon Huynh and Roger L. Jackson
In both of these scenes they are both villains and murderers, in both of these movies they have chase scenes where the murderer chases the victim both of the characters are chasing to silence the victim as they don't want to be found out. The clothing they are both wearing aren't very similar as Roger L Jackson is wearing a Halloween costume and Leon Huynh is wearing some fashionable Adidas clothing, the only similarity is they are wearing very dark clothing, they are also trying to hide their identity by Leon wearing a cap to cover his face and Roger is using a Halloween mask, they both also commit murder as in the film we can see it happen.

The differences:

A difference between Leon and Roger is that Leon is a young teen age boy and Roger is a middle aged man, another difference is the clothing they are wearing we can see that Leon is wearing Adidas clothing which wouldn't expect from a murder and then Roger is wearing a creepy Halloween, another difference is Leon doesn't has murderous intent to kill as Roger did have murderous intent to kill everyone. Also Leon doesn't have a weapon and Roger has a knife as a weapon.

In this scene we see Roger (Scream) behind the person who got stabbed which automatically tells us hes a murderer

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