Monday 9 January 2017

Final story idea

Final story idea

Our final idea has changed through this course; we have changed our genre to be from a horror to a thriller movie. The movie has become a thriller as its mainly based off a young teenager who has gone missing and has yet to be found.

A young teenager (Carlos) goes on his daily walk in oxshott heath, during his walk he spots a mysterious person wearing a hoodie but then he notices the person is dragging something that seems to be a person either dead or knocked out, Carlos is curious and goes to discover what the mysterious  man is doing, as the man is scouting the area to check for anyone within the area, Carlos sneaks by to look at what exactly is happening and discovers that the man was actually carrying a dead body, as Carlos discovers the body he is spotted by the man and is started to be chase, after trying his best Carlos is cut off by the steep hill and is then confronted by the mysterious man but then discovers the man is the young teenager who is missing.

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