Tuesday 6 September 2016


Carlos Gouveia

Info about me
My favorite film

My favourite film is 'I am Legend' and it is also directed by 'Francis Lawrence' and was made in 2007 the genres are post-apocalyptic and horror, The film is also based in new York. I enjoyed this film because it was the first film I watched that had zombies in it and it also made me cry as I found it really sad, The scene that made me cry was when the dog got bitten and the owner 'Robert Neville' has to kill the dog so he doesn't turn into a zombie. I also like the story line as I felt like I was part of the film and can have feelings for the characters sadness and depression of being the only human alive, I also like the concept of how he is the only human alive and hes living with his pet dog 'Sam' and they have to fight off the virus that has spreaded around the world. Robert Neville acted by Will smith Robert is a scientist who was developing a cure for cancer but that cure for cancer turned into a virus that has affected the world and turned everyone to zombies, Later into the film Robert Neville finds that the zombies have intelligence and feelings for there past life of being humans with their own familys

Why I like the film of my choice

I have lots of favorite films and genre but my mainly favorite genre is post-apocalyptic, horror films and action, i find this interesting because it makes me feel like i'm in the film and feel like I know the characters in the film.

Conventions/Genre Indicators

Film Titles

Jump scares, chases, creepy atmosphere, abandoned rooms
The Exorcist
The shining
The Babadook
Chase, Shooting, Explosions , fight scenes
Dark knight
The Matrix
Space, ships, weapons, dark
Star trek

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